about Joel Rothman

Joel Rothman is the renowned author of almost 100 drum and percussion method books, many of which are among the most popular books used by teachers in private music studios as well as schools and universities worldwide.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, Joel studied drums and percussion, as well as piano, with well-known teachers such as Sam Ulano, Ed Shaughnessey, Jim Chapin, Joe Morello, Saul Goodman, and others. He first opened his own private drum studio, then later, after graduating from university, he taught in the New York City school system for many years. During that time Joel was a free-lance drummer playing with various bands and orchestras at private functions, nightclubs and musical shows.

Writing his first book at fifteen, Joel also established his own highly successful publishing company JR Publications, which has been going for over half a century.

about the drum and percussion books by Joel Rothman

The following drum and percussion method books cover just about every aspect of learning to play the instrument. Each book is carefully crafted and specifically written to overcome particular problems in a clear, easy-to-read, logical and developmental progression. Topics covered include, basic drumming, stick control, breaks and solos, rudiments, basic beats for playing with a dance band, reading music for big band, show or orchestral playing, two, three and four way coordination for rock and jazz, as well as marching drumming.

Most of the titles depict the contents of the book, but short blurbs underneath each one will also help you to understand what material will be found inside. The blurb also tells you if the book is intended for beginner, intermediate, advanced or professional players.


Go to the Hudson Music website for a growing selection of Joel’s books available as E-Books for download.

featured books

  Groovin' in 4/4 Time
Pub Item #: JRP133
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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Groovin' In 4/4 Time for Rock & Jazz is the 3rd book in a trilogy. The other 2 books include Groovin' in 5 and Rock Grooves in Odd Times. A special design allows drummers at all levels to read and play the grooves with confidence and ease. Each groove is first notated for the cymbal and snare alone. A series of bass drum patterns is then weaved around the cymbal/snare patter producing a great sounding rock or jazz beat. By the time you complete the book you'll have hundreds of groovy rock and jazz beats at your fingertips, useful at various tempos in all kinds of situations. Printed as limited edition, be sure to order your copy as soon as possible.

  Groovin' in Five
Pub Item #: JRP132
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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After 4/4, time signatures with 5 in the numerator are the most commonly played for both rock & jazz. Joel Rothman's, Groovin' In 5, is the most in-depth book ever written presenting swingin' grooves in 5/4, 5/8, & 5/16 time. Easy to read and easy to play, this book is a MUST for any drummer interested in developing practical skill for groovin' in 5.

  Rock Breaks with 32nd Notes
Pub Item #: JRP131
List Price: $15.95
Your Price: $13.56
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This book has been out of print for many years, but due to the overwhelming requests to bring it back the book has now been reprinted and is once again available. The title tells it all. The design is simple and practical - each break is preceded by a few bars of rock time in 4/4 and they're mostly between one and four beats long, just like you would play in band. Although the breaks are notated just for snare, simply split the rhythm between the drums. This short study will provide you with many ideas for short rock fills.

  We're Livin' In Odd Times
Pub Item #: JRP130
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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Joel Rothman's new book, We're Livin' In Odd Times is the sister book to Rothman's Rock Grooves in Odd Times. It contains a series of etudes in a very wide range of odd time signatures such as 5/4, 7/4, 11/4, 5/8, 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, 13/8, 5/16 etc. Each Etudes is devoted to a specific rhythmic pattern such as eighth notes, or sixteenth notes, or triplets, etc. The step-by-step progression of the etudes will help all level readers gain full control of reading in odd times.

  Rock Grooves In Odd Times
Pub Item #: JRP129
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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This unique and important work has been an extension of Joel Rothman's famous book. The Mini Monster Book of Drumming. It is specially designed and crafted to allow any drummer to easily read and create musical grooves in all odd time signatures. No simpler book on the subject has ever been written. Complete this book and you'll rock with confidence and ease in 5/4, 7/4, 11/4, 5/8, 9/8, 11/8, 13/8, 17/16, 19/16, and many more. A MUST in the library of drummers!

  Jive With Five
Pub Item #: JRP127
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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The use of quintuplets in drumming has become commonplace in both rock and jazz. Still, there are students as well as professionals who find them awkward to play. This book is an in-depth presentation--it will go a long way to help alleviate any problems associated with the subject. A multitude of technical exercises are notated to develop skill for playing quintuplets with different sticking, as well as for their practical use during actual performance.

  Snare Etudes In Cut Time
Pub Item #: JRP128
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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The etudes in this study are exclusively in cut time. Sometimes referred to as 2/2 time, it’s one of the major time signatures encountered by drummers having to play show charts. No other book of etudes is devoted entirely to this important subject. By the time a student completes the book he or she will be well equipped to read any arrangement in cut time that may be given to them.

  Get Your Kicks
Pub Item #: JRP126
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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Most books dealing with playing the bass drum have to do with rock or jazz independence, with exercises showing how to play bass drum kicks in coordination with the cymbal, snare and hi-hat. This study, however, is different in that it concentrates specifically on developing single, double and triple bass kicks between the snare and bass for eventual use with breaks and solos. All exercises are written on just one staff line with the snare part above the line and the bass part below the line. The rhythmic patterns between snare and bass are just with eighth notes, eighth triplets and sixteenth notes, allowing this book to be used with students at all levels as well as professional players.

  Wham Bam Flam
Pub Item #: JRP125
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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Rudiment embellishments such as flams, drags and ruffs bring a more interesting and exciting sound to their primary note. They form an important part of a drummer’s everyday playing vocabulary, and are used in all types of music, from rock to jazz to latin and marching. This new and final book by Joel Rothman presents an in-depth study of these very practical and important sticking patterns. No other book is devoted entirely to the subject. For drummers at all levels.

  Rock 'N Jazz
Pub Item #: JRP124
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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As the title suggests, the topic of rock and jazz drumming in 3/4 time is covered in great depth, with practical coordination exercises that can be used during actual performance. But this study goes much further. The “BEYOND” part of the title refers to the second half of the book where it’s explained and demonstrated how 3/4 is the key to playing in all odd time signatures in quarter time.The same is true for 3/8 for all odd time signatures in eighth time. If you want to develop a high level of skill in 3/4 time as well as in all odd time signatures this is the book for you.

  The Paradiddle Bible
Pub Item #: JRP123
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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The Paradiddle Bible is a bold and brilliant new book that presents unique and imaginative exercises to develop the standard four paradiddles: Single, Double & Triple Paradiddles, as well as Paradiddle-diddles. But that’s not all... the book diddles along demonstrating innovative new paradiddles Joel’s named: Diddlepa Paradiddles, Diddlede Paradiddles & Diddledede Paradiddles.
Intermediate – Advanced level

Pub Item #: JRP120
List Price: $19.95
Your Price: $15.96
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Ambidexterity is a book that’s replete with tightly knit and highly organized exercises designed specifically to help you achieve the Holy Grail for any drummer — total independence of your four limbs at the drum set. No other book exists like it — it’s practical and it’s pure fun to play.
Intermediate – Advanced level

  Mini-Monster Book Of
Rock Drumming

Pub Item #: JRP02
List Price: $24.95
Your Price: $19.96
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HERE IT IS – everything you ever wanted to know about rock drumming.
Beginner – Advanced level

  Basic Drumming
(Revised and Expanded)

Pub Item #: JRP32
List Price: $29.95
Your Price: $23.96
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Used worldwide, this revised and expanded book (now 240 pages) contains all the exercises necessary for developing reading, rolling, technique, rock, jazz, Latin and all basic beats for playing with a dance band.
Beginner – Intermediate level